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Practice Areas


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At Iron, we understand that the quest for justice needs to be tempered by undertaking a reasonable cost benefit analysis. We guide clients towards taking a critical view of their legal disputes and where matters cannot be settled, we represent our client's interests in a strategic and goal-oriented fashion. Regardless of whether a matter is resolved outside of court, Johanna's pragmatic and assertive approach to litigation is grounded in her belief that the course of every action should be driven by her client's end goals; which she works hard to achieve with her direct and persuasive style.

Iron welcomes clients who need assistance with a variety of civil disputes; including complex corporate/commercial disputes, negligence, and all manner of property and contractual claims.


Practice in perspective.

Perspective Matters.

Taking a big picture look at each case, from desired outcomes, to worst case scenarios, is key to setting and achieving realistic goals in litigation. It is important to take a view from 30,000 feet, not only at the outset of every case, but at each step along the way. At Iron, we strive to offer each client the benefit of creative, strategically driven advice that is always tempered by a realistic experience-based insights.





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